I recently came into contact with an artist that came to visit VCU, and he has given me some ideas on how i can keep developing my project this year. His name is Shimon Attie. His earlier work has alot to do with projectors and this idea of projecting something into and on a space, which has significance within the space, as well as dealing with the past, present, and future. I have started to think of similar ideas that i could construct myself in the pictures i create. I thought of putting up a landscape like that of Kenya onto a building, while i react in some situations with the constructions i have been making. I have thought of putting up photographs, making them into slides, or transparencies, and then

putting those up on walls for people to see. These are just beginning stages of thoughts, however, i really like how overlays can construct a story for the viewer within an image.eally like the idea of layers onto one thing.
So the idea of projectors come into play, some being slide, some being transparency, and others that are extremely high tech. These objects symbolize to me and my work, as a 'portal of truth imagery', meaning, showing somebody's wishes and hopes, their true past, what they wish for, and so on. These will normally not mean more than one of these things, partially because they would run over into other categories that might confuse the viewer.
The image itself that is portrayed through the machine is the truth, the past, the future, the persons hopes and dreams, the inevitable, and so on. I really like the idea of portraying things onto myself that remind me of Kenya. The identity issues are still very strong in my work, however, i feel that i want to test out this theory of projecting things onto myself, and other things. It sounds interesting, and could be a branch of my artwork for anothe time.