Manfred Leve was born in Trier, Germany, he grew up in Dusseldorf where he studied law, middle eastern cultures, art history, and philosophy at select universities in Germany. Since his graduation, his focus field has been in working as a lawyer. He currently works for the Federal Institute of Labor in Nuremburg.
His inspiration and love in the arts had him jumping in the art scene at a young age, in his schoolboy days. This was where he first started using a camera, mainly for documenting and recording events in the art world. While still relatively young, he became introduced to Sigmar Polke, and started shooting him, both his life and his work.

I have found Manfred Leve's work to be very story driven, even if the photographs are of people looking at art and people admiring art. His work i feel has much more of a hidden meaning. They all seem to have their own story in each one, as if from a film still, where the viewer gets caught in a moment of sheer excitement and tension, yet do not know what or how the story will play out. I feel that Manfred Leve knew this about his work and he was able to carefully frame and 'catch' people in the moment, creating a story from one photograph that the viewer takes in and tries to understand.
This type of storyline photography is partially what i find interesting, and want a similar storyline. I feel that i will physically have to find someone else to take the photographs for me, because it is the only way i can act natural, as well as having the best chance to portray this same emotion coming out of Manfred Leve's work as well.
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