
Artist Blog: Alexandra Catiere

Alexandra Catiere is a Russian-born artist who lives in New York mainly focusing in fine art photographs. She has focused more recently in fashion photography, and the colors, textures, and physical attributes affect a photograph, however, it is her older work that i am mainly intrigued by. Her older photographs in a series titled 'Behind the Glass' is my main interest, especially being that my work has now pushed itself to incorporate glass. I figured that i could possibly draw some insight on how i could use glass in my own photographs.
Here are some of her images. She took these photographs in the city of Minsk, where she was raised, and said that their focus was about a disengagement of the glass on a bus window, and how the glass framed the faces behind it, almost taking them out of the real life context. To me they tell a story, and i really enjoy how the glass becomes a part of the piece. I want the glass in my own work to be a part of the piece, however, establishing and connecting them will be difficult. I do like the thought of window after window, like a bus would have, however, i am then not sure as to how the dirt that is incorporated into the piece will be so tactile and interactive. I do plan to hang my photographs behind glass, or with glass ontop, however, how will the sand become part of the piece? Should i even have sand? Maybe a faint photograph printed on the glass would be more beneficial. WHat should the picture on the glass be of? I had originally thought of the glass photograph as being one from Kenya, however, i am not sure if such a direct route is neccessary. I have thought of printing on the glass a replacement of what the picture might look like in Kenya, for example, instead of a parking lot full of cars, a dirt wasteland. Things i am still debating now, that i need to finalize.


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