Now that i have a direction that i can head towards, i am starting to think about other things that i can construct that remind me of Kenya. My goal in the end is to have photographs of me in an 'Americanized' environment with these things that remind me of Kenya. Some of them such as potholes and dirt can be originally photographed, and kept in an image, whereas other things i will need to construct. Then other things are more of mental ideas and concepts, and i am having a hard time trying to figure out how to incorporate them into the photograph. Some ideas i want to almost 'follow' me around, much like the physical rain in a music video called
This Year's Love by David Gray. Here is The link : In this video, there is rain that physically follows this man around, as if a burden, or as if the rain is implying a mental connection to something personal. I have been thinking that for some of these things, i would like that idea of something being burdened as well.

For example, i thought of, in the photograph, me standing in some dirt, where everywhere else around me is pavement. This picture on the right is partially what i mean, however, the dirt pile will not really be a mound, instead it will be just where my feet are, and it will be a small layering. The idea is that this dirt follows me wherever i walk, and where i stand it will be under me.
Also, i have a bunch of tribesmen garments that i brought from Kenya, that represents the culture there. I thought of including such things on my person as well, however, as long as it does not overpower the rest of the stuff.
I want this picture to be mainly full of stuff i construct with my own hands, therefore creating a much more personal interaction between the work and the pieces itself.
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