Dual identity construction is a phrase that i came along in the book
Ideology, Identity, and Assumptions written by Howard Dodson. After reading and meditating what this phrase could possibly mean, i came up with a concept of physical construction that i could 'build' that possibly represents the two different sides of me that i struggle with. For example, i used a ladder, and i discussed to Jeff what i meant. My ideas of constructing a ladder, half made from materials that would seem natural to Kenya, representing that part of my identity, and then, the other half representing the 'developed world' idea, with their advanced technology. With the two halves i would assemble them together, then try and use its function to accomplish some sort of goal. The reason why i used the ladder example, is because i thought of its function, and how it relies on complete faith by the user that it will support its weight, and function as supposed to. With the physical construction i would build, i would try and use its function, but would feel that it would not work, giving light to my struggle within, and between the two.
I started searching the internet for this idea of d

ual identity constructio

n, and came up with a few interesting photographs.
These photographs just give me ideas of where i can travel. I like the idea of the sign and how it gives direction to people of where to go, but is in the perspective of two different opposing thought processes. I really like the sound of that. I can even use the sign in my photographs. The other artpiece reinforces my thoughts of my dual identity, and looking at both sides in the same piece, which i intend to do. I am thinking of combining a physical structure with my photography pieces that i discussed in my last post, but for now, i will work on both as individual pieces.
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